0422 640 429
Move better, Perform better
Key elements of the coaching process
Vision, Vestibular, Brain, Body
Respecting and placing focus on the neurological hierarchy can become the gateway to faster progression and increased performance.
Vision & Vestibular
Are your eyes and inner ear system holding you back from reaching your full potential?
Your visual and vestibular systems are the gateway to improving your performance in every element of your life.
The brain requires clear instructions through our visual, vestibular and sensory systems to enable it to facilitate clear processing of data, map out a plan and then produce a movement pattern.
Simple tasks can become hard if these are not working in synch or to their optimum capabilities.
See better, balance better, move better!
Speed, agility, strength, endurance they are all reactive responses to how our brain processes the incoming data.
Working on these key elements and integrating them into your training protocols can play an integral role in you not only achieving your Goals, but surpassing them.

Pain Relief
Are you suffering from out bursts of pain or niggles that just won't go away and hindering your progress?
Neck, back, knee, plantar fasciitis?
Areas of pain that just won't budge, no matter what you've undertaken?
If so, then it's time for action!
Pain is an output designed to protect you. Exploring your history of injuries, trauma and stress levels, can enable a gateway from which to work, and to start creating change for the better.
Using applied neurology techniques and tapping in the nervous system can put you back in control of your body and enabling you to get back on track faster.

Improved balance
A must in every day life
Do you struggle with your balance?
Do you feel dizzy when getting up or turning quickly?
Do you suffer from travel motion sickness?
Just hate the movies or loud environments?
If so, then chances are everything else will become compromised: balance, reduced strength, power, speed, endurance and overall performance.
Working on key elements of the vision and the vestibular systems can create significant changes in these areas of concern and free you from long standing frustrations; lack of balance, dreading longer car journeys or just not quite managing to reach that PB.

Nutrition & Â Wellness
Quality intake equals quality output
Our overall wellbeing; mood, energy, performance, sleep. All these elements are governed by the nutrition we nourish our bodies with.
You may feel that you are eating a healthy diet, but are you actually listening to your body and the messages it's giving you?
Many foods are extremely healthy, but if your body doesn't like them for whatever reason, then they may become detrimental to your overall wellbeing, and affect all areas of performance.
The diet industry is worth billions; is it time for you to shake off the 'diet' ebbs and flows and introduce a more sustainable approach?
Life is for living and enjoying, not starving, deprivation and fear of food.
Getting you back in control and understanding the feedback your body is giving you can be the gateway to success.

Make contact!
Like to find out more?
Please send me your details and I can contact you for a chat or
CALL me direct on 0422 640 429

Carie Bolton
Movement performance coach
Putting you back in control of your body
Carie Bolton, is a coaching professional focusing on taking functional training to another level.
Performance covers so many aspects in life, from sports specific to improvements in everyday tasks.
So first and fore most it's important to understand how your body moves, your needs, desires and ultimate goals.
Reviewing how you function from head to toe and creating a training program designed and altered as required to ensure you are always creating neurological and physical change.
The body can adapt quickly if the brain is fed the right information, so it's important to keep challenging your mind and body whilst working to achieve your Goal(s).
Success is achieved by being consistent.
Do the work and you will reap the benefits and rewards you've been looking for.
So ensuring a program can work in sync with your current schedule and lifestyle is also key in this process of change.
By practicing a system of applied neurology, with expert cutting edge advice, support, guidance and motivation,
you should excel in a way you never thought possible.
Think of your impossible becoming your possible!
Book your consultation TODAY to find the change you’ve been seeking.
A bit more about me!
I have been involved in the Health and Fitness industry on a full time basis since 2010. My journey has taken different paths over the years with regard to training protocols, however I've always been fascinated in how the body and mind functions and how this can be improved: the biomechanics, nutrition and overall wellness.
My aim is to always assist my clients to achieve their goals whether they are World champions or weekend warriors looking to improve in a specific sport, increase their strength, movement range, balance and overall wellbeing.
We are all presented with different bodies, the important factor is how to create and facilitate the very best possible outcome.
The mind and body is a complex unit that works in synergy.
See better, breath better, move better!
Respecting and understand that neurology plays a key role behind every action we make, the greater improvements can be achieved.
This is no different to 'hacking' a computer, learn how to 'hack' your brain to gain greater benefits and results.
The goal is to put you back in control of your body!
Think Sensory before Motor.
Your vision, vestibular and outer sensory systems get routed through the brain to create a command, enabling a motor output & movement. Assisting you find the weak loop(s) in your system then training them just like all other muscle group in your body, will provide you with enhanced performance: ranges in motion, improved strength, balance, pain relief and the list goes on.
Qualifications & Membership bodies
Certified Z-Health Practitioner:-
EEP - Essentials of Elite Performance
R Phase - Rehabilitation & Re-Education
I Phase - Movement Integration in Vision & Vestibular
T Phase - Therapy & Threat Management
The Next Evolution - Interoceptive system
9S 1 Structure (currently studying)
FAI - Functional Aging Specialist
Certified BioMechanics Method:- Corrective Exercise
Well College Global:-Advanced Nutrition & Health Coaching
PT Global:-Cert III & IV
AUSactive - Level 3 registered
profile for further Qualifications / Certifications
IICT - International Institute of Complimentary Therapists

Services - Personal & Corporate
Postural & Gait assessment
Pain management
Strength & Endurance
Vestibular & Vison training
Rehabilitation & Corrective exercise
Balance training
Nutritional Coaching
Wellness Coaching